Indoor Plants Guide

Indoor Plants and How to Get the Best Out of Them

Bringing the garden from the outside to the inside is a stunning way to liven up any home. Indoor plants and palms have long been recognised as adding a sense of freshness and calm to any home. They brighten up drape rooms and create spaces that feel light and natural. Moreover indoor plants and palms are excellent at cycling the air in our homes, removing the toxins, and giving us healthier lifestyles.

Palms For Indoors

Palms make great indoor plants for any home. They require they little maintenance, grow happily in pots, are amazing at air purification, and look wonderful. The list below are some of the more popular palms for indoors, however nearly all palms can be used for indoors.

  • Bamboo Palm (Chamadorea seifrizii)
  • Cascade Palm (Chamaedorea atroviren)
    Kentia Palms – Howea forsteriana
  • Pygmy Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii)
  • Chinese Fan Palm Livistona chinensis)
  • Golden Cane Palm (Dypsis lutescens)
  • Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)
  • Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)
  • Parlour Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)
  • Bangalow Palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana)

Keeping healthy plants indoors


Firstly consider where your new additions will sit around your home; indoor plants and palms for the most part need a good amount of light but avoid direct light particularly from the afternoon sun as this may dry your plants quickly.


There are a number of factors that will influence how often your indoor plant or palm will need a drink, these include the pot that it is planted in, the soil condition, the temperature in your home, and the type of plant that it is. As a general rule you should keep how quickly the soil dries out at about a depth of 1 inch from the top. Once this first inch of soil is dry it is time to give you plant a little water, and once you have a reasonable idea of how long that takes you can start a watering routine. However not all plants can be treated the same and some prefer more or less water. We always recommend doing a little research on your plants to understand what they want – the best way to do this is to talk to those who look after them for a living, us and other nursery staff.


Keeping a plant or a palm in a pot is fairly easy but it does require a good feed of quality fertiliser every now and then. We recommend a premium liquid fertiliser such as Complete Focus but slow realise granules will also work.

Cleaning the foliage

As your indoor plant or palm won’t be washed by rain (unless you have serious roofing issues) it is important to remove the build-up of